We realize the importance of learning videography due to the high demand for it in social media, and the need for many photographers to switch to videography to meet this demand, so we have launched a number of training courses and online consultations that help content creators, photographers and business owners step by step to be able to learn professional videography skills.
?How do you want me to help you
We provide you with three practical methods for learning videography skills
You will be able to identify what you need to start learning with these sessions. What are the ideal choices for your equipment and the results you are seeking? Also what help can we provide for your video projects?
The ability to shoot videos is not only based on knowledge, it also requires you to review and confirm the basic knowledge you have learned by answering tests that have been specially designed for this purpose, in addition to long practice and continuous shooting, and then reviewing the shooting results with us. In order to improve your level of videography.
You won't need to look anywhere else, because we offer a complete resource for you to find all the knowledge and information you need to grow your skills as a professional videographer. All you need to do is learn, put what you've learned into practice, and then go straight to work with your clients.
This podcast is a space to talk about everything related to the video industry and production, develop video skills, and see everything new in this field.
50% مكتمل
اسمي أيمن البنّان، سأشارك معك في هذه الورشة المجانية الـ 11 مهارة الأساسية التي يجب أن تتعلمها لتعرف بالضبط ما ينقصك قبل أن تبدأ في تقديم خدماتك كمصور فيديو كي لا تُعرّض نفسك لمواقف مربكة ومحرجة مثل ما حدث معي، سأشارك معك بدون أي تحفظ كل ما يجب عليك عملياً أن تعرفه حتى تتمكن من صناعة فيديواتك بكل ثقة واحترافية بإذن الله ..